Workers’ Compensation is insurance coverage purchased by the employer/business that provides benefits for job-related employee injuries. Florida law requires all employers to purchase workers’ compensation coverage (with a few exceptions). Under a workers’ compensation policy, employees are compensated for occupationally incurred injuries, regardless of fault. This coverage makes employers immune from some injury lawsuits by employees. In Florida, the Division of Workers’ Compensation within the Department of Financial Services is the primary regulator for ensuring employees receive the proper benefits under this coverage, which includes benefits for medical expenses, disability, or death. The Office of Insurance Regulation primarily regulates the rates, forms and solvency for this type of coverage. The amount of compensation is established by law. 

A workers’ comp attorney will look out for your best interests, however. It is not at all uncommon for insurance companies to take advantage for loopholes in the claim, such as insisting that the injury occurred outside the realm of employment or that the injuries are less serious than the employee claims. Without an experienced  Kravitz & Guerra attorney to help guide you and fight for your rights, you run the risk of being denied the benefits you deserve.

If you’re hoping to receive workers’ compensation benefits in Florida, you’ve got a tough job ahead of you. While Florida is widely known for being a business-friendly state, that doesn’t translate into it being an employee-friendly state. Many laws in the state of Florida make it extremely difficult for employees who’ve been injured on the job to receive the compensation benefits they are due under their employers’ workers’ comp policy. These restrictive laws make it important to contact a workers’ compensation attorney in FL as soon as you’ve been injured on the job, no matter how serious or trivial you think the injury is.

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